Monday 6 June 2011

Red Is Going To Be Riding In The Hood

Just a quick process shot post.  This is for a competition I found out about on Deviant Art.  It's being run by Imaginism Studios (I think, I always stand to be corrected).  Basically take a classic fairytale and give it a new spin.  So I did a number of pencil and pen thumbnail sketches, mainly looking for a good composition.  Then, I decided to play with the colours a bit, but on computer.  So I loosely sketched it in photoshop and played with elements and colour and this is what has spawned so far...

Okay, so excuse the very rough nature, but it is a process shot.  At this stage I'm stoked with the colours and composition.  There is probably a fair whack of work to do with the background forest but nothing a little reference can't help with.  But at his stage it shows some promise.

I do like going through a process of sketching thumbnails, tonal studies etc.  But sometimes it helps to be loose in your approach to it.  In this case, it seemed natural to do the colours on computer and while I was doing that I started playing with the composition at the same time.  And if this turns out shit you know it's because I got overconfident too early and fucked up.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

WIP Shot

It's almost there... So close, but so far...