Monday, 26 September 2011

Illustration pitch

Here is the illustration I discussed in the previous post...

I'm having difficulty with the blogger interface.  It's not letting me control the sizing ratio or even uploading it at the original size.  Very frustrating.  If you want to see how it should actually look please visit my Deviant Art link.

The basic process was a couple of pencil sketches.  I then took it to computer and proceeded with a few digital sketches in illustrator.  Then into Photoshop to work over it with the Photoshop brushes.  I worked in grayscale first and then coloured it.  The blue is deliberate, it ties in with the logo which has been purposefully left off to avoid any lawsuits.

Recent Pitch Activity

Soooo... It's been a crazy three months in my life.  I lost my mom, my girlfriend lost her dad.  Tough times but at least we have each other to get through this.

Needless to say, it has not been the most constructive time with my illustration.  Balancing my "real" graphic design work with building an illustration portfolio was impossible.  But lately the wheels have started turning some more and I'm pretty optimistic.  I just recently completed a cover illustration for a pitch for an international magazine.  Actually, my friend and I both came up with options and sent it off as a pitch for his company.  No pay involved, but it was a great opportunity and hopefully there will be some return down the line.  That will be in the next post.

Otherwise, there are going to be some changes to the blog.  I've started building up a portfolio of vector images to post on microstock sites.  Call it a personal finance experience, just to investigate the sort of returns you can get out of microstock sites.  It's a long term project, but I'll be posting about my experiences on this site.  I'll also be posting vector graphic tutorials.  I have been doing some Illustrator and Photoshop teaching recently and these programs are capable of so much, almost too much.  I have found some users struggle with the options available and the programs can be a hindrance and lead you in circles.  Hopefully these posts will help.